Reports are daily or weekly tasks that players can complete to receive rewards. The weekly reports have so far always been the same 3 tasks. Starting with v3.1.0 on the both servers, the daily tasks were updated to be the same 5 tasks each day, instead of being randomized.
During certain anniversary campaign periods, the 5th daily task will instead give 3 Anniversary Tickets and the weekly tasks will give 2, 3 and 5 Anniversary Tickets respectively.
Weekly Reports[]
Condition | Reward |
Clear 10 Daily Report Tasks. ę„éå ±åć10åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear 20 Daily Report Tasks. ę„éå ±åć20åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear 35 Daily Report Tasks. ę„éå ±åć35åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Daily Reports (Permanent)[]
Starting on August 13, 2021, with the version 3.1.0 update, the Japanese server moved to a permanent set of dailies instead of a randomized selection. The English server did the same with their 3.1.0 update on September 16, 2021.
Condition | Reward |
Complete All Daily Report Tasks for the Day. ćć®ę„ć®ę„éå ±åććć¹ć¦ćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any 3 Ability Battle Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ć3åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Perform a Normal Scout. ćć¼ćć«ć¹ć«ć¦ććč”ć |
Accept Rewards from the Office. äŗåęć®å ±é ¬åćåććč”ć |
Shine the Marble. ćć¼ēćē£Øć |
Daily Reports (Randomized Pool)[]
Pre-v3.1.0, the daily reports used to consist of 4 tasks randomly chosen from the below list, with a final 5th task that is always a reward of 5 Ability Stones if the other 4 are all completed.
Condition | Reward |
Complete All Daily Report Tasks for the Day. ćć®ę„ć®ę„éå ±åććć¹ć¦ćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any 3 Battle Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ć3åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any 5 Battle Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ć5åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any 8 Battle Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ć8åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any Battle Stage Without Taking damage 3 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ććć¼ćć”ć¼ćøć§3åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any Battle Stage Without Taking damage 5 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ććć¼ćć”ć¼ćøć§5åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any Battle Stage Without Taking damage 8 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē°č½åććć«ććć¼ćć”ć¼ćøć§8åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any Event Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ć¤ćć³ćć¹ćć¼ćøć3åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any 5 Event Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ć¤ćć³ćć¹ćć¼ćøć5åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Clear Any 8 Event Stages. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ć¤ćć³ćć¹ćć¼ćøć8åćÆćŖć¢ćć |
Perform 3 Character Power Ups. čŖ°ć§ćććć®ć§ćć£ć©ćÆćæć3åå¼·åćć |
Perform 5 Character Power Ups. čŖ°ć§ćććć®ć§ćć£ć©ćÆćæć5åå¼·åćć |
Perform 8 Character Power Ups. čŖ°ć§ćććć®ć§ćć£ć©ćÆćæć8åå¼·åćć |
Accept Rewards from the Office. äŗåęć®å ±é ¬åćåććč”ć |
Shine the Marble. ćć¼ēćē£Øć |
Perform a Normal Scout. ćć¼ćć«ć¹ć«ć¦ććč”ć |
Activate Active Skill 3 Times. čŖ°ć§ćććć®ć§ć¢ćÆćć£ćć¹ćć«ć3åēŗåćć |
Activate Active Skill 5 Times. čŖ°ć§ćććć®ć§ć¢ćÆćć£ćć¹ćć«ć5åēŗåćć |
Activate Active Skill 8 Times. čŖ°ć§ćććć®ć§ć¢ćÆćć£ćć¹ćć«ć8åēŗåćć |
Use Beatdown 3 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē¹ę»ć3åč”ć |
Use Beatdown 5 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē¹ę»ć5åč”ć |
Use Beatdown 8 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§ē¹ę»ć8åč”ć |
Perform an All Clear 3 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§å Øę¶ćć5åč”ć |
Perform an All Clear 5 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§å Øę¶ćć5åč”ć |
Perform an All Clear 8 Times. ć©ćć§ćććć®ć§å Øę¶ćć5åč”ć |
Clear 500 Affinity Orbs. å±ę§ēć500åē “å£ćć |
Clear 1,000 Affinity Orbs. å±ę§ēć2000åē “å£ćć |
Clear 2,000 Affinity Orbs. å±ę§ēć2000åē “å£ćć |
Clear 50 Azure Affinity Orbs. č¼ć®å±ę§ēć50åē “å£ćć |
Clear 100 Azure Affinity Orbs. č¼ć®å±ę§ēć100åē “å£ćć |
Clear 200 Azure Affinity Orbs. č¼ć®å±ę§ēć200åē “å£ćć |
Clear 50 Emerald Affinity Orbs. ēæ ć®å±ę§ēć50åē “å£ćć |
Clear 100 Emerald Affinity Orbs. ēæ ć®å±ę§ēć100åē “å£ćć |
Clear 200 Emerald Affinity Orbs. ēæ ć®å±ę§ēć200åē “å£ćć |
Clear 50 Crimson Affinity Orbs. ē“ ć®å±ę§ēć50åē “å£ćć |
Clear 100 Crimson Affinity Orbs. ē“ ć®å±ę§ēć100åē “å£ćć |
Clear 200 Crimson Affinity Orbs. ē“ ć®å±ę§ēć200åē “å£ćć |
Clear 50 Light Affinity Orbs. å ć®å±ę§ēć50åē “å£ćć |
Clear 100 Light Affinity Orbs. å ć®å±ę§ēć100åē “å£ćć |
Clear 200 Light Affinity Orbs. å ć®å±ę§ēć200åē “å£ćć |
Clear 50 Dark Affinity Orbs. éć®å±ę§ēć50åē “å£ćć |
Clear 100 Dark Affinity Orbs. éć®å±ę§ēć100åē “å£ćć |
Clear 200 Dark Affinity Orbs. éć®å±ę§ēć200åē “å£ćć |
Change History[]
- Switched from random selection of dailies to permanent set of 5.
- Switched from random selection of dailies to permanent set of 5.